Friday, March 16, 2012

Distributive Leadership

To ensure capacity building, distributive leadership is used at my school.  There are various teams and committees in place to ensure the academic growth of our students.   The math committee gathers information and strategies that will help the faculty and students accomplish our SMART goal concerning an improvement in math.  The reading committee researches, analyzes, and shares information that will help our school accomplish our SMART goal pertaining to improvement in reading.  The technology committee recommends hardware, software, and online resources that will benefit our students.  


  1. It seems to me that your school really uses your teams and committees to their capacities. This is a great way to operate a school. I would like to see more schools ran this way.

  2. I like how your school assigns teachers to different committees. I think that being apart of a clear goal or task allows for better understand and best practices.
